Electronic tube on electronics from Dicodes (Yogs E-PIPE)

Good evening, dear vapers and connoisseurs of delicious electronic steam. Today we have a non-standard surveyor, since devices of this type are not very often found among the proposed range of many companies. Electronic tubes can be different, they can be cheap Chinese, which will not last you more than a month, they can be beautiful and expensive, which a certain circle of vapers like, some people don’t have such shapes, and some people prefer electronic tubes to regular mods or box mods. But the essence is not important, it is important that once again we introduce you to a very interesting proposal from Yogs. As it was found out, this company works closely with Dicodes, which has already joined the ranks of iconic manufacturers of electronics for electronic cigarettes. In general, we know for sure

What would you like to see in the form of packaging of goods that will cost you 400 Euros? Well, of course, you should not wait for handmade wooden caskets, but nevertheless, the manufacturer approached the presentation of this tube with a special thought and idea. First, the wooden case is packed in a regular cardboard box, which is filled with special materials that prevent the box from being damaged during transportation. Well, here in front of us is a wooden box with inscriptions on the lid. Inside this wooden box you will find the electronic tube itself, the mouthpiece (depending on the choice, it could be either wooden or plastic), then we have a special cord in the kit, with which it is easy to carry these devices on the neck, and of course same, a warranty card and a few more pieces of paper with information about the company and the device.

Appearance. Here, our pipe is not made of plastic or metal, of course, the internal parts are made of stainless steel, and the main material of the electronic pipe is expensive wood. Yes, when ordering a tube for yourself, you can choose the material of manufacture, or rather the external design, the type of wood. The shape of this device accurately copies the shape of a pipe that sea captains and sailors love, I think this device will be a real find for this category of people if they decide to quit tobacco and switch to a safe alternative. An interesting point in solving an informative screen. On the side where the battery compartment is located, the display is also located. First you need to insert the battery, then screw it on the lid and screw the display on top,