Defender by Starss – how to change nothing and not show
We already found out that the guys from Starss decided to return to the “big vaping” and quickly show who is in charge. After the average Blazer, it would be logical to expect something from another niche, but the Chinese do not think so and immediately show a direct competitor – Defender .

To begin with, Defender is the reincarnation of Stride , which the guys showed more than two years ago. Has at least something changed in appearance? Apparently, the designers decided that trying to change something ideally would be blasphemy 🙂 But I would still do something in their place with all this “gold”. I don’t know what should happen for the Chinese to believe that gold-a is irrelevant for the modern public: D

Dimensions :
Height – 90 mm.
Width – 45 mm.
Thickness – 26 mm.

As you might have guessed, Defender is not much different from its predecessor. In fact, the potential buyer simply chooses between the two formats and as a result gets an average, the capabilities of which are quite enough for the usual mode of use. Everything seems to be as usual. Confuses only the presence of Power Turbo mode . For which he is responsible, the manufacturer decided to keep secret: D
– adjustable power range – from 5 to 80W;
– the supported resistance of the atomizer is from 0.1 to 3 ohm;
– temperature limit from 200 to 600 degrees Fahrenheit (100 – 315 Celsius);
– available board operation modes – Power / TC (Ni / Ti / SS) Bypass / POWER Turbo;
– 0.99 LCD display;
– the ability to update firmware.
Boxing is completed with a branded tank, which is a slightly modified version of what we were offered with Blazer . Again, everything is extremely standard and only a very impressionable user will be able to surprise. As in the case with the previous box, only compatibility with SMOK V8 Baby evaporators is pleasing . In this situation, you will not be left without consumables.