Mechanics with a lower, lateral arrangement of the company Dominus Mods

Mechanics with a lower, lateral arrangement of the company Dominus Mods

Mechanics with a lower, lateral arrangement of the start button from the company Dominus Mods

Mechanics with a lower lateral arrangement of the start button from the company Dominus Mods

Good day, dear vapers and connoisseurs of delicious electronic steam. Did you miss the mechanical mods? Do not be upset, I already found for you a portion of new and not very models that might interest someone, and someone might pass by and don’t pay much attention to them, although there are good models, really take a look, those who care about mechanical mods from the category of “expensive toys”. It so happened that most cool and truly high-quality mods cannot be bought for a penny, you have to pay for everything. I do not deny that you can take a clone for the price of 10 or 20 dollars, but then no one gives you a guarantee for safety, it’s all at your own peril and risk. But such companies as, for example, Dominus Modsthey already know exactly what to offer and how to interest vapers, because they have behind them a huge experience in creating high-quality and beautiful mods that stand out from others not only in their beauty, but also in the design features, I think this model has just first and second. Well, let’s begin to get acquainted with the next mechanical mod, which is beautiful in everything.

Mechanics with a lower lateral arrangement of the start button from the company Dominus Mods

It seemed to me that devices that cost 100, or even more dollars should be packed in some kind of exclusive, well, at least gift wrapping, well, it’s just so accepted from manufacturers who manufacture and provide vapers with this kind of device at about the same prices ( the price of this mod, which is 120 dollars in our review ). But, alas, unfortunately, as it turned out, this mod is packaged in a simple cardboard box in white with a logo in the form of a fierce boar on the lid. The presentation, so to speak, with a minus three points, the package bundle is also not impressive, besides the mod itself, the box is full of chips, so that the mod is not damaged during transportation, a warranty card, and several spare parts for servicing the mod button.

Mechanics with a lower lateral arrangement of the start button from the company Dominus Mods

Now we turn to the appearance and design of the device. This mod can be provided in three versions, which you can see in the photo below. The main differences are only in the materials of the body. It is not difficult to guess that the photo shows fashion made of copper, brass and stainless steel. There are several engravings on the mod’s body with the name of the manufacturer’s company and logo. Of particular note is the design of the start button, which is located at the bottom. This, of course, is not an innovation, the first to use this solution were the Greeks ( Atmomixani company ), then other manufacturers also picked up this idea, and now we have another mod representative with a bottom side button, which can be customized in different formats and even at the request of vapers. Diameter of the mod –24mm , height – 91mm . Also in the photo below you can see mods with different design solutions from the manufacturer.

Mechanics with a lower lateral arrangement of the start button from the company Dominus Mods

The working principle of the mechanical mod is probably all familiar, you press the button, voltage is applied to the atomizer, a spiral is ignited with a piece of cotton soaked in liquid installed in it and everything is ready, the soaring process is gaining its momentum. Oh yeah, you still need a rechargeable battery, and so in this case, this mode uses an 18,650 format factor battery.

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