How Safe are E Cigarettes as Compared to Conventional Cigarettes

Electronic cigarette or smokeless cigar as they are called is the latest invention which has proved to be a boon to conventional cigarette smokers. This device is considered as the most viable method for those who wish to get rid of smoking habit. The number of e-cigarette smokers is multiplying and the statistical data demonstrates that majority of e-cigarette smokers are those who have switched from conventional smoking to e-cigarette smoking.

As e-cigar smoking is a new trend of smoking, the efficiency and safety of this method of smoking is always questioned. There are many arguments, counter arguments, controversies, and claims regarding this electronic device of smoking. Thus majority of the people are confused and boggled and want to know one main thing – how safe e cigarettes are.

Detailed analyses of what conventional cigarettes give to its beholder and what e cigarettes give to its beholder can settle down this controversy. glance through the facts of conventional tobacco smoking and e-cigarettes smoking and decide what is best for you.

Facts about conventional cigarettes:

These contain harmful tobacco which is wrapped around with paper.
Inhaling tobacco for a long period affects the lungs and lead to lung cancer. The poisonous substances li settle down in the form of tar and leads to various major illnesses and chronic diseases.
The smoke emitted is harmful to the passive smokers and this is the reason smoking conventional cigarette is banned at various places.
The flame of conventional smokers is harmful for the environment.
Nicotine smoking is addictive. Hence, conventional smokers find it very difficult to discontinue smoking.
On the whole, conventional cigarette smoking pinches the pockets and many have to compromise on other essentials to compensate for this smoking habit.

Research and clinical studies show that conventional smoking is loaded with l ill-effects. Majority of the smokers are aware of all the hazardous effects of tobacco smoking but are helpless. With the introduction of e-cigarette in the market, many smokers have switched over to electronic cigarette as they feel this is a boon and it will save them from the clutches of conventional smoking.

Facts about electronic cigarettes:

This is an electronic device which runs with a battery.
The fumes emitted are created by chemicals that are filled in the cartridge.
The vapor that in the e-cigarettes is safe for the beholder and his surroundings.
It gives the same satisfaction and experience as the conventional smoking.
One of the ingredients used in making of e-cigarettes is propylene glycol. This is free from all the ill-effects and on the contrary, it is being used in manufacturing various medicines, food products, asthma inhalers, etc.
E-cigar is comparatively much cheaper. One fully charged e-cigarettes equals 20 conventional cigarettes.
Easy, convenient, practical, affordable are the qualities of e-cigarettes.

Whether e-cigarettes are safe or not is yet a debatable question. There is an uphill battle going on between the two giants. But analyzing the pros and cons of both types of smoking, it can be ascertained that electronic cigarette smoking is comparatively much safer.

Although, e-cigarettes contains nicotine but it is much safer than conventional smoking. Moreover, besides providing health benefits to the smoker, the e-cigar smoking will incredibly help the world environment by making it less smoky in future.

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